We’re entering the holiday season which is a really hard time for me to stay motivated.
It’s easy to just say “screw it” and throw my morning routine and self-care practices out the window.
I tell myself I’ll start over in January and before I know it it’s been weeks since I worked out or made any healthy meals.
The problem with this is that when January 1st finally comes around I’m not very well prepared to tackle all of my new goals and resolutions.
I like to use the end of the year to set myself up for my new goals and I think it’s actually the perfect time of year to refocus so I’m prepared to start off the new year on the right foot.
I hope this article gives you some ideas to help you finish the end of the year strong.
Go ahead and review your goals and resolutions you set at the beginning of this year. What could you do over the next couple of months to make this year a success?
Most of the time by the time we get to the end of the year we’ve faded out on the goals we set. This is the perfect time to restart all of your goals.
Set up some kind of challenge between now and the end of the year. You could commit to exercising a little bit every day, drinking a ton of water, creating a new morning routine or giving up alcohol.
The end of the year is the perfect time to do a challenge like this and it will set you up to really go hard when January 1st hits.
If you don’t remember what your goals were for the year write new ones and start them now. This way when New Year’s Eve comes around you will really have an accomplishment to celebrate which I think makes it way more fun.
Create a Vision
A lot of women I work with set boring-ass goals.
Before I really started my personal development journey I did this too. I never really allowed myself to dream about what I really wanted my life to actually looked like.
I played it safe and set boring-ass goals. They were uninspiring but I felt like that was all I could really actually strive for.
When I stopped setting goals I thought I “should” set and created a vision for my life that really excited me my life started to change.
For example, I used to set goals like “lose 10 lbs”. However, I didn’t have any real vision for what I wanted out of life or an actual reason for obtaining that goal.
Inevitably I would end up giving up on the goal because I didn’t really have a reason to be emotionally invested in achieving it.
I have a whole video about setting juicy goals you can check out below.
Break It Down
These days before I set any goals I get really clear about what my vision is and what I want my life to look like. Once I have the vision then I work backward and set goals that will help me obtain that life.
For example, instead of setting a goal like lose 10lbs I workout 3-4 times per week so I will have the energy to build the businesses I want and to show up for my audience the way that I want.
Starting with the vision and then setting goals that will help me create the life that I want to live has really helped me stay focused on my goals throughout the year.
Start Now
I used to wait until January 1st to set my goals. What I’ve found really helpful is to actually set my goals BEFORE the end of the year.
Once I have my goals set I’ll actually use the last couple months of the year to get a headstart on my goals.
Ask yourself what you really want to achieve next year and what you can put in place now to help you get started.
For example, if you want to start a big fitness journey next year you can use the last couple of months of the year to find a new gym and start working out one or two days a week.
You could test some new healthy recipes and learn how to meal prep so you already have that skill when you start your fitness journey January 1st.
Think of the last two months of the year as your chance to get a headstart on your goals.
Practice Self-Care For Your Future Self
I see a lot of stuff going around the internet all the time about doing things like bubble baths and painting your nails for self-care. This is fine but a lot of time self-care is doing things you don’t actually enjoy doing in the moment.
Part of self-care is doing things for your future self that you know will improve your life and put you in a good situation in the future.
Before the end of the year really challenge yourself to do things for your future self. What can you do today to put yourself in the best situation possible on January 1st?
This could be anything from cleaning out your closets, setting boundaries with toxic family members or starting a new hobby. What could you do today that your future self would thank you for on January 1st?
Setup Accountability
Creating sustainable change can be difficult and I’ve found that setting up accountability has really helped me.
Find a friend that wants to do a challenge with you or set up an Instagram account to share your journey online.
I find that when I am documenting my health and fitness and healthy eating on Instagram it helps me stay accountable to keep working on my goals.
If you don’t want to publically share what you’re working on hire a therapist and ask them to help you set up a system for accountability with you.
I hope this gives you some ideas to help you end the year strong. I am also participating in the last 90 days challenge and you can join in if you want!
Check out the podcast episode below if you want to learn more.
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