I love setting goals and resolutions for the New Year. It’s a great time to make big changes and to have a fresh start. Make sure you grab my workbook to reflect on the last year before you set your resolutions and goals for the upcoming year.
Spend some time thinking about what you want your legacy to be and what your purpose is in your life. Building your goals around serving a higher purpose will help you set authentic and meaningful goals.
Journal Prompts:
What do you feel like your mission is in this lifetime?
What gifts do you have to share with the world?
How do you want to contribute in your lifetime and what do you want your legacy to be?
Once you figure out your purpose journal about what your biggest dreams are. Spending some time daydreaming will help you think BIG when you’re planning your goals. If you’re going to go big this year you need to be chasing down some big damn dreams.
Journal Prompts:
Describe your typical day in your dream life?
What is your relationship like in your dream life?
Where do you live in your dream life?
How do you spend your time?
How do you feel?
Where do you want to focus your energy this year?
What do you want to achieve?
What are your resolutions and what steps do you need to do to achieve them?
Want to remember this for later? Pin this to your favorite board!