Yesterday my newsfeed starting lighting up with posts about Mercury retrograde. I understand what it feels like to be worried about things you can’t control.

In fact, if this time last year I probably would have been worried about mercury retrograde too.

I spent a good chunk of the year feeling disempowered and it felt like life was always messing with me. I swear, it was always something and my life was one big tale of struggle and drama.

Have you ever felt like that?

Eventually, I got tired of it.

  • Sick of dating men who didn’t make me a priority.
  • Sick of not being paid fairly for the work I was doing.
  • Sick of friends who only came around when they needed something.
  • Sick of letting myself make excuses for not working out day after day.
  • Sick of feeling bad about myself.

I shifted my mindset and I decided I was no longer available for these situations. It felt so good to step into my self-worth and raise the standards in my life.

I’m still working on this but now when life messes with me I see it as an opportunity to elevate my life and what I am available for.

This is an ongoing process and every now and then I have to remind myself that I don’t have to settle and to step into the more empowered version of myself.

Like so many things on this mental health journey, it’s a learning process but it’s getting easier and easier.

What I’m saying is I’m not available for mercury retrograde to mess with me.

  • I’m not to be messed with.
  • I’m strong.
  • I’m next level.
  • I’m unstoppable.

Are there areas in your life where life is messing with you and you need to raise your standards? What are you no longer available for?

To hear more about this check out the video below!

Want to remember these tips for later? Pin this article to your favorite Pinterest board!

What you need to know about mercury retrograde

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