I’ve really been working on finding ways to amp myself up in the morning.
The truth is, I often wake up feeling freaking uninspired.
I used to just accept my mood as something outside of my control. It was a terrible way to live and everything had to go perfectly for me to have a good day.
Screw that.
I’m going to take responsibility for my own feelings and emotions.
I’m in charge.
I’m the boss.
If I’m being honest lots of time I wake up feeling uninspired and blah and this morning were one of those days.
Here are some things I am doing to step back into feeling on fire in all the good ways and inspired about life.
I remind myself who the eff I am. I sit down with my journal and really try to call in the next level the most badass version of myself. After I call up the feelings of who I’m trying to grow into I go on a tangent of who the heck I am and what I’m here to do.
These are basically affirmations but on fire.
Related Post: Upleveling and Mental Health
I am Faith effing Mariah. I am here to make a massive impact and show women they are capable and deserving of changing their lives. I never back down from a challenge and I overcome. I’m on fire about life and I’m here to blow people’s minds.
I workout. If you’ve been following my Instagram you know that I have been working out every morning for the last week. I hate doing it, to be honest with you but the impact it has on the way I feel throughout the day is undeniable. It’s a lot easier to be in a bad mood when you’re tired and your energy is low. My morning workouts fuel me and allow me to have the energy I need to be excited about life.
Gratitude and personal development. A while ago I was feeling pretty bored of writing gratitude lists in my journal. I firmly believe morning routines should feel good and be simple so I started to brainstorm another way I could do a gratitude practice each morning. I combined a couple of my favorite mindset practices into one ultimate super simple morning practice. Every morning before I talk to clients I go walk my dog around my neighborhood, listen to a podcast or audiobook and think about how much I love my life. I basically smooshed my gratitude practice and personal development into one practice and it’s literally my favorite part of the day!
Your brain might try and trick you into thinking you don’t get to have a say in how your life goes but remember that’s NOT true.
You decide what things mean.
You decide how you feel.
You’re the boss.
I know these are simple but they’ve made such a HUGE difference in my ability to control and take responsibility for my own happiness and well being.
I hope they help you too.