If you saw my email yesterday you know that I was busy doing all of the full moon intention setting rituals last night. 

It was awesome but it really got me thinking….

Everything I did last night felt magical AF but I wasn’t doing anything special.

In fact, a lot of the tasks I was doing were just normal cleaning chores that I do every week.

It made me really think about how powerful setting intentions are and how we can make any task sacred if we decide to. 

Last night I cleaned the kitchen but I set the intention for that to symbolize releasing and letting go. I made a list of everything I was ready to release and then cleaned the crap out of the house. I listened to music. I sang songs. I channeled joy. I made tasks I usually do while checked out and in a rush one of the best parts of my week.

The entire experience felt really magical and special but it only felt that way because I set the intention to have a magical night last night. 

It feels like everyone is talking about the importance of self-care these days. However most of these conversations consist of the tasks you should be doing for self-care. The problem is that  if you’re taking care of yourself but you’re not being intentional with your mindset I think you’re missing out on a lot of the benefits. 

It doesn’t matter how many gratitude pages or bubble baths you take if you’re not feeling the feelings of thankfulness and relaxation in your body. 

  • Intention can change everything…
  • Washing the dishes can be relaxing.
  • Your morning commute can be sacred. 
  • Your shower in the evening can be a ritual. 
  • Drinking your morning tea can be magical. 
  • If you set the intention
  • If you decide. 


Want to watch this video later? Pin it to your favorite Pinterest board!

how to live with intention

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