I love New Year’s Eve. I love the feeling of leaving all the bullshit from the previous year behind you and stepping into a brand new year. It feels like a fresh start. Here are some affirmations for the New Year to help you get ready to kill it. Be sure to check out my post on creating bad ass goals.
So many good things are coming to me
I deserve happiness and wealth
I am unstoppable and I never give up
I always take action
I’m so glad to live this life
I forgive and release all the pain from the last year
I step into the New Year fully ready for happiness
All of the pain from the last year is behind me
I am starting the year fresh and free
This is my fucking year
Things are always working out for me
I am magnetic and good things always find their way to me
I am committed to being the most unique version of myself
I always speak my truth and spread a message of love
I am free from my past and the future is so damn bright
I am so thankful to live this life just as I am
I release all of the pain I have felt and leave it in the past
I’m here to create change and I am unstoppable
I step into this year with a clear heart
This year is MY year and all of my dreams will come true
Every day I grow more and more powerful
All of my dreams are achievable
This year I am starting a new phase of self-love and happiness
I step out of fear and into the most powerful version of myself
Love and happiness always find me
I was put on this earth for a reason and I am committed to living my truth
I choose happiness every day this year
I am free from my past and stepping into my happy future
My future is bright as fuck
Each year my life gets better and better
Each day brings me new opportunities
I radiate love and caring energy to everyone I meet
The universe has my back and I am always supported