I used to spend so much time worrying about what other people think.
I was so concerned about what other people thought of me that it kept me from doing things I really wanted to do and it nearly prevented this blog from ever even happening.
For years I wanted to start Radical Transformation Project and share my mental health journey with others but I was too worried about what people would think.
I finally reached a point in my life where I just decided I was tired of letting fear stand in my way and I felt like I was wasting my life by not pursuing the things that I really wanted to do.
It ended up being the best decision ever and I have been able to create a life that I am obsessed with.
Here are a few things to keep in mind to stop caring what other people think and become the badass lady you are meant to be. I also have a podcast episode on this topic you can check out on Podbean or iTunes.
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Negative Comments Aren’t About You
Negative comments say more about the person saying them than they do about you. People who are living their life in a positive place mentally and emotionally are not going to bring you down.
I am a very sensitive person and it’s easy to let myself take negative comments to heart but I remind myself that nasty comments are a reflection of that person’s emotional state and they aren’t about me.
I find it difficult to put myself out there on the internet and every rude comment I ever get makes me think maybe I should just quit.
I have to remind myself that those comments are not a reflection of my work and I need to stand in my truth and keep living life on my terms.
Don’t let someones shitty criticism stop you from being the beautiful person you are meant to be.
You Only Have One Life
Time doesn’t give a fuck about your struggle and that’s the truth.
We only have limited time and ultimately worrying about what other people think isn’t going to serve you on this journey you’re on.
Make a list of things you want to make a priority on your life and become razor focused on them. Become so focused on your mission in life that the opinions of others start to seem like a trivial concern.
You only have one life. Do you want to spend it worrying about what other people think of you or doing the things that feel meaningful and important to you?
Noone Really Cares
People by nature are hyperfocused on themselves.
While you’re worrying about what other people think the truth is that no one else is really paying that much attention to you.
Everyone is hyper-focused on their own insecurities and worries.
It might feel like everyone is watching your every move and waiting to criticize or laugh at you but really most people aren’t paying attention to what you’re doing.
Take comfort in knowing that everyone is focused on their own struggles and insecurities and they probably aren’t even paying any attention to what you’re doing.
Focus On The Bigger Picture
Get a mission statement and set out to live your life on purpose.
Once you find your larger reason for living it makes it easier to do things that scare the shit out of you.
I decided my larger purpose was to help other women on their mental health journey by sharing my experiences and what I had learned in my own struggle.
After I decided that was my mission the other stuff started to seem really stupid.
Before I made being a mental health advocate my mission I had always wanted to start a podcast but I was too scared.
I felt like people wouldn’t care what I had to say or that I would sound stupid.
Once I made it my mission to help other women and share my stories it was a lot easier to confront those fears and start making content.
My Podcast now has over 1000 downloads and it is one of my favorite projects to work on.
You Can’t Please Everyone
Some people might not like you or what you do but that’s OK.
If you’re a people pleaser like me this can feel really shitty but once you come to terms with the fact that some people aren’t going to like you it gets easier to ignore the critics.
People who have made a huge impact have often had tons of haters. Look at Martin Luther King who was an extremely polarizing figure during his time.
If everyone doesn’t love what you’re doing that’s OK.
Your job is to live your life in a way that is authentic to you not to make everyone else happy about what you’re doing.
Some people might not like what you’re doing but you shouldn’t let that stop you from doing what you want.