My anxiety has been really crushing me this week. I find that writing for a while really helps me calm down when things feel out of control. Here are some of the journal prompts for anxiety that I have been using lately. If you’re looking for more journal prompts I have a free mental health journal you can grab below.
I want to let go of _________________________________________
I don’t need to worry about _________________________________________
I’m so damn thankful for _________________________________________
The best parts of my life are _________________________________________
Right now I hear _________________________________________
Right now I touch _________________________________________
Right now I taste _________________________________________
Right now I feel _________________________________________
These fears no longer serve me _________________________________________
Today I accomplished ___________________
I am proud of myself for ___________________________
I feel best when ______________________________
These things always make me feel happier and calmer _________________________________________
I will make time for self-care by _______________________________
My dream day would be _________________________________________
My favorite memory is ______________________________________
I am thankful for these people that always support me _________________________________________
My favorite things about my life are ____________________________________
I am choosing to leave behind these beliefs that no longer serve my highest good _______________________
I forgive myself for _________________________
I make a positive difference in the world by _________________________________________
In the future I will feel _________________________________________
When things are hard I want to remember _________________________________________
If a friend was feeling how I am I would tell her _________________________________________
I am looking forward to _________________________________________
My proudest accomplishment is _________________________________________
I love these things about myself _________________________________________
The kindest thing I can do for myself right now is _________________________________________
If I could choose any feeling right now it would be _________________________________________
I hope you find these journal prompts for anxiety helpful. If you’re looking for more mental health resources be sure to check out the free resources I have in my mental health resource library. I also have a ton of posts about how I manage my anxiety.
Want to remember these journal prompts? Pin this post to your favorite Pinterest board!