If you’re looking to step up your affirmation game try out these affirmations for bad asses.
Set an alarm on your phone or make them part of your daily routine so you say them multiple times a day.
You can say them in your head if you’re at work but if you’re in your car or at home I think you should say them out loud like you freaking mean it.
The more times a day you say them the better.
Try to focus on positive feelings whenever you do your affirmations to help bring more positive bad ass energy into your life.
Affirmations are also a great thing to add into your mental health journaling practice.
Writing them and saying them out loud will help them get into your subconscious mind and bring out your most bad ass self even faster.
I’m so thankful to live this kickass life
I am un-fucking stoppable
I never give up
I love my beautiful and powerful female body
I always find beauty everywhere I look
I deserve profound and passionate love
Things are always working out for me
I trust my journey and I always find my way
I enjoy struggling because I always find happiness and victories
I will always work harder
I am so fucking thankful for this beautiful life
I deserve supreme and unstoppable happiness
I’m a gorgeous and unstoppable babe
My unique spirit brings shit tons of light to the world
Anything is possible and my future is so bright
I never stop killing it
I handle every situation in front of me with grace and ease
My future holds tons of love and happiness
I am a powerhouse and I take care of business
I hope these affirmations help ya out.
If you want a downloadable version just fill out the form below. If you’re looking for more inspiration check out these TED talks about happiness.