I have been so into reading personal development books this past year.
It’s really made a huge difference in my life and I really recommend it if you are feeling like you want to make a change in your life.
I have been using Scribd for all of my reading over the past few months. Scribd is like Netflix for book, for $8.99 per month you get access to unlimited audio and ebooks.
This has saved me a ton of money because I was buying a ton of audiobooks every month. You can try it out for 30 days free here.

You Are a Badass
This is one of my favorite books! It really motivated me and helped me start thinking positive.
It’s an easy and entertaining read and I recommend it if you’re looking for something simple but with great advice in it.
The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown
Brene Brown is one of my favorite authors. I haven’t read this yet but I’m really excited to start it.
If you haven’t seen her TED talk yet you should definitely check it out here.
Her work is mostly centered around the power of vulnerability and becoming your true self.
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck
If you haven’t read this book you need to get it immediately!
I have listened to this audiobook about three times now.
If you want entertaining, direct and no bullshit advice this is the book for you.
It really makes you want to get your shit together and take control of your life.
If you need motivation definitely check it out.
Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert
I love this book! It’s a little woo woo so if you’re not into spiritual stuff I would skip it.
However, if you’re into spiritual stuff and universal energy this is a must-read.
If you’re struggling with a creative project or just wanting to have more creative energy and ideas this is a great book to read.
10% Happier by Dan Harris
I haven’t read this book yet but it is on my list to check out this summer.
I am always interested to hear how other people bring more happiness into their life.
This would be worth checking out if you are looking for strategies to start making yourself feel happier and more light-hearted.
The Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes
I’m so excited to read this book! Ever since I saw Shonda Rhimes TED talk here I’ve been meaning to check this book out.
She is such a strong successful woman and I’m sure she gives great advice.
Her TED talk addresses some of her experiences she had during her year of yes but I’m excited to hear more details.
Now or Never by Alexi Panos
This book is based on a year training program that Alexi runs online.
It is supposed to be the condensed version of all the steps they teach to transform your life.
This book sounds like it is packed with lots of great information and I’m excited to check it out ASAP.
A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle
I love Eckhart Tolle. A lot of his work is all about staying in the present moment and has really helped me learn how to control my anxiety.
If you’re struggling to find your purpose in life I definitely recommend checking out this book.
The Big Leap
I love any book that’s about really going for it and becoming the best version of yourself.
This is an easy read with tons of great advice and strategies in it.
If you’re looking to take your life to the next level this is the book for you.
It is all about going big and living up to your potential.
Spirit Junkie by Gabrielle Bernstein
If you’re looking for something spiritual and inspirational you need to read this book.
It had a huge impact on me and really inspired me to start living my truth and to pay attention to my intuition.
If you’re interested in going on a spiritual journey this is a must-read book.