I am so obsessed with TED talks, I listen to them all day long. I thought I would share some of my all-time favorites with you. If you’re looking for more awesome TED talks to watch before to check out my posts on TED talks for anxiety and happiness.
I’m obsessed with Mel Robbins’s book the
5 Second Rule and her TED talk is just as often. Mel’s work is all about helping people get what they want in life. She is a very entertaining speaker and she also gives great adice. This TED talk is a total gem.
If you struggle with loneliness you have to checkout this TED talk. Baya Voce discusses a strategy to have more connections to help combat loneliness.
So many people want a healthy relationship but don’t know how to get one. In this TED talk Joanna Davila explains skills you can develop to create a healthy relationship.
Work takes up a significant amount of our time. In this TED Talk Scott Dinsmore discusses his framework to find work that you love doing.
I’ve always had many interests and passions so the advice to do what you love has never really helped me out. In this TED talk Terri Trespicio talks about how passions and feelings change.